In the light of the current Coronavirus (Covid-19) situation we wanted to reassure you that the health and wellbeing of our guests and the people who work for us is our top priority.

We do not currently have any reported cases of the virus amongst either our guests or our small number of staff but here’s what we are doing to ensure we can protect you as much as possible.

Please see below answer to any of the question you may have surrounding Coronavirus.
Thank you 

Selma and Chris

Latest Gov’t advice and what it means for you?  18.45 16/03/2020

We are currently digesting the latest advice from the PM and awaiting further government clarification of his words. As it currently stands we have seen and heard the same statement on the news which does not specifically mention hotels and is advisory and not mandatory – we will issue a further update statement tomorrow – Thursday 19th March.

Should I be worried about booking a room?

At Grosmont House your safety comes first, and we are taking all necessary steps to minimise any potential spread of COVID-19. We are adopting the World Health Organization (WHO’s) standard recommendations and following the authority’s regulations to reduce exposure to and transmission of a range of illnesses which include hand and respiratory hygiene, and safe food practices.

What is the Grosmont House doing to minimise the risk of COVID-19 spreading within the property?

  • We follow the guidelines and recommendations of local authorities
  • Increased focus on hand hygiene at our establishment, every 2 hours or more often as appropriate, as well as washing hands thoroughly before entering the properties
  • Frequent contact with our suppliers to ensure the integrity and cleanliness of incoming produce
  • Employees to avoid direct contact and keeping distance with others where possible
  • Employees to inform all guests checking in of hygiene regulations
  • A minimum distance of 1 metre to other guests and other staff members will be maintained
  • Guests with symptoms of illness will be asked to stay in the room and call a doctor via the reception desk
  • All rooms and communal area are clean and disinfected to the highest standards regularly. We are also cleaning and sanitising all touched surfaces every 2 hours or more often as required – all surfaces such as door handles, cloakrooms, tables, etc.

  • Our staff are required to take their temperature before commencing their shift.

What do we expect from guests before and on entering Grosmont House?

  • To inform us of any potential risk of being in contact with someone who could have COVID-19
  • To inform us if you have recently travelled to a location of higher risk
  • To frequently hand wash and maintain a high level of hand hygiene
  • Cover your mouth or nose when sneezing or coughing
  • Avoid direct contact with others and maintain the recommended distance between other people where appropriate
  • If feeling unwell to stay in your room and inform us immediately via phone where we can call a doctor for you

What happens if there is an outbreak at Grosmont House?

  • At any point where we think there may be a risk of infection in the bnb we will inform all guests as soon as possible with appropriate evacuation actions.

  • Please thoroughly wash your hands before leaving the hotel.

  • If you develop symptoms, however mild, please follow the government advice.

What happens if I am diagnosed whilst staying at the B&B?

  • If you feel unwell at any point during your visit or develop symptoms, however mild, please inform a member of staff immediately and follow government advice.

Should I cancel my booking?

  • We are operating as normal and you can continue to enjoy your visit as planned. 
  • Please be assured that we are taking all necessary steps to maintain a hygienic and safe environment. Normal terms and conditions apply for any amendments or cancellations. However, should the Government’s advice change to prevent travel please contact us to discuss your options, including moving your booking to a later date.

What if my booking is past the cancellation policy time-frame?

  • In the event that you need to cancel your booking the current cancellation policy stands. 
  • If you cancel your booking within the 30 day cancellation period, you will be charged the full room amount however we will move your booking to a later date when appropriate. 

Can I speak to someone about my booking?

Our team are on hand with any questions you may have by phone 01947 895699 or email

Additional Services Offered during this time:

Room service: breakfast baskets, with various options
Breakfast service in two dining rooms areas strictly separate from other guests.
Packed Lunches for those who want to venture into the countryside, or you can stay in your room.
Grazing Platters and Light suppers served in your room.
Pizza delivery and your favourite tipple delivered from our fantastic local Steam Café.
Delicious Fish and Chips available from our nearby Eskdale Fisheries
Occasional Special 3 course meals served at Grosmont House.
All your favourite booze available to buy at our local shop can be drunk in your room (you provide the booze we will give you the glasses!)